Delivery Estimates

For accurate delivery estimates it is important to add your postcode whenever possible while navigating our website as stock is located in various warehouses across Australia and New Zealand.

Once the tyres you are interested in are added to your shopping cart, you will be given a shipping estimate, which is dependant on your postcode and the location of the stock.

Most metropolitan locations have a time frame for shipment of 1 to 3 business days, but often these are delivered next day.

If the shipping prediction given is long, it could be that the stock you have in your cart is from the other side of Australia.

If the shipping estimate seems too long, please contact our Customer Service Team to explore the reason for the given dates.

Delivery Notifications after Order Placement

We always endeavour to keep you informed on your order delivery as often as possible.  

As soon as you place an order, we will send a confirmation email. Once you receive this email, it will advise you of your expected delivery date.   

As soon as your tyres are on their way, we will update your tracking link.

When your tyres are delivered we will let you know both via text message and again within your personalised tracking link.

Delivery Delays

If your order is delayed, lost or incorrect, or you are at all concerned, please contact our Customer Service Team and our dedicated Delivery specialist will be able to investigate.